/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.eclipse.jdt.testplugin.JavaProjectHelper; import org.eclipse.jdt.testplugin.TestOptions; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Refactoring; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.ProcessorBasedRefactoring; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IField; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation.StubUtility; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.structure.ExtractInterfaceProcessor; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.template.java.CodeTemplateContextType; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.preferences.JavaPreferencesSettings; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; public class ExtractInterfaceTests extends RefactoringTest { private static final Class<ExtractInterfaceTests> clazz= ExtractInterfaceTests.class; private static final String REFACTORING_PATH= "ExtractInterface/"; private Hashtable<String, String> fOldOptions; protected boolean fGenerateAnnotations= false; public ExtractInterfaceTests(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return new RefactoringTestSetup(new TestSuite(clazz)); } public static Test setUpTest(Test someTest) { return new RefactoringTestSetup(someTest); } @Override protected String getRefactoringPath() { return REFACTORING_PATH; } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.NEWTYPE_ID, "${package_declaration}" + System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n") + "${"+ CodeTemplateContextType.TYPE_COMMENT+"}" + System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n") + "${type_declaration}", null); StubUtility.setCodeTemplate(CodeTemplateContextType.TYPECOMMENT_ID, "/** typecomment template*/", null); fOldOptions= JavaCore.getOptions(); Hashtable<String, String> options= TestOptions.getDefaultOptions(); options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_INSERT_SPACE_BEFORE_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.TRUE); options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_NUMBER_OF_EMPTY_LINES_TO_PRESERVE, "1"); options.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR, JavaCore.TAB); JavaCore.setOptions(options); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); JavaCore.setOptions(fOldOptions); fOldOptions= null; } protected static String getTopLevelTypeName(String typeQualifiedTyperName) { int dotIndex= typeQualifiedTyperName.indexOf('.'); if (dotIndex == -1) return typeQualifiedTyperName; return typeQualifiedTyperName.substring(0, dotIndex); } private IType getClassFromTestFile(IPackageFragment pack, String className) throws Exception{ return getType(createCUfromTestFile(pack, getTopLevelTypeName(className)), className); } protected void validatePassingTest(String className, String[] cuNames, String newInterfaceName, boolean replaceOccurrences, String[] extractedMethodNames, String[][] extractedSignatures, String[] extractedFieldNames) throws Exception { IType clas= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), className); ExtractInterfaceProcessor processor= new ExtractInterfaceProcessor(clas, JavaPreferencesSettings.getCodeGenerationSettings(clas.getJavaProject())); Refactoring ref= new ProcessorBasedRefactoring(processor); processor.setTypeName(newInterfaceName); assertEquals("interface name should be accepted", RefactoringStatus.OK, processor.checkTypeName(newInterfaceName).getSeverity()); ICompilationUnit[] cus= new ICompilationUnit[cuNames.length]; for (int i= 0; i < cuNames.length; i++) { if (cuNames[i].equals(clas.getCompilationUnit().findPrimaryType().getElementName())) cus[i]= clas.getCompilationUnit(); else cus[i]= createCUfromTestFile(clas.getPackageFragment(), cuNames[i]); } processor.setReplace(replaceOccurrences); processor.setAnnotations(fGenerateAnnotations); IMethod[] extractedMethods= getMethods(clas, extractedMethodNames, extractedSignatures); IField[] extractedFields= getFields(clas, extractedFieldNames); processor.setExtractedMembers(merge(extractedMethods, extractedFields)); assertEquals("was supposed to pass", null, performRefactoring(ref)); for (int i= 0; i < cus.length; i++) { String expected= getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName(cuNames[i])); String actual= cus[i].getSource(); assertEqualLines("(" + cus[i].getElementName() +")", expected, actual); } ICompilationUnit interfaceCu= clas.getPackageFragment().getCompilationUnit(newInterfaceName + ".java"); assertEqualLines("(interface cu)", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName(newInterfaceName)), interfaceCu.getSource()); } protected void validatePassingTest(String className, String newInterfaceName, boolean extractAll, boolean replaceOccurrences) throws Exception { IType clas= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), className); ICompilationUnit cu= clas.getCompilationUnit(); IPackageFragment pack= (IPackageFragment)cu.getParent(); ExtractInterfaceProcessor processor= new ExtractInterfaceProcessor(clas, JavaPreferencesSettings.getCodeGenerationSettings(clas.getJavaProject())); Refactoring ref= new ProcessorBasedRefactoring(processor); processor.setTypeName(newInterfaceName); assertEquals("interface name should be accepted", RefactoringStatus.OK, processor.checkTypeName(newInterfaceName).getSeverity()); if (extractAll) processor.setExtractedMembers(processor.getExtractableMembers()); processor.setReplace(replaceOccurrences); processor.setAnnotations(fGenerateAnnotations); assertEquals("was supposed to pass", null, performRefactoring(ref)); assertEqualLines("incorrect changes in " + className, getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName(className)), cu.getSource()); ICompilationUnit interfaceCu= pack.getCompilationUnit(newInterfaceName + ".java"); assertEqualLines("incorrect interface created", getFileContents(getOutputTestFileName(newInterfaceName)), interfaceCu.getSource()); } private void validateFailingTest(String className, String newInterfaceName, boolean extractAll, int expectedSeverity) throws Exception { IType clas= getClassFromTestFile(getPackageP(), className); ExtractInterfaceProcessor processor= new ExtractInterfaceProcessor(clas, JavaPreferencesSettings.getCodeGenerationSettings(clas.getJavaProject())); Refactoring ref= new ProcessorBasedRefactoring(processor); processor.setTypeName(newInterfaceName); if (extractAll) processor.setExtractedMembers(processor.getExtractableMembers()); assertTrue("was not supposed to pass", performRefactoring(ref) != null); assertEquals("was not supposed to fail with different severity", expectedSeverity, performRefactoring(ref).getSeverity()); } private void standardPassingTest() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } //---------------tests ---------------------- public void test0() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test1() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test2() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test3() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test4() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test5() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test6() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test7() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test8() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test9() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test10() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test11() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test12() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, true); } public void test13() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, true); } public void test14() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test15() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m", "m1"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0], new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test16() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test17() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test18() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test19() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test20() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m", "m1"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0], new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"},"I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test21() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, true); } public void test22() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, true); } public void test23() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, true); } public void test24() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test25() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, true); } public void test26() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test27() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test28() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test29() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test30() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test31() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test32() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test33() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test34() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test35() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test36() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test37() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test38() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test39() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test40() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test41() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test42() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test43() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test44() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test45() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test46() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test47() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test48() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test49() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test50() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test51() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test52() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test53() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test54() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "A1"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test55() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "A1"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test56() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "A1"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test57() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "A1"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test58() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test59() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 22946 "); standardPassingTest(); } public void test60() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test61() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test62() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test63() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test64() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("test for 23105"); String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "Inter"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test65() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("test for 23105"); standardPassingTest(); } public void test66() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test67() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("test for 23105"); String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "Outer", "Inter"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test68() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "As"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test69() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "As"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test70() throws Exception{ standardPassingTest(); } public void test71() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "As"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test72() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23705"); String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[]{"QA;"}}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "As"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test73() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23953"); String[] names= new String[]{"amount"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "B", "OldInterface"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test74() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23953"); String[] names= new String[]{"amount"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "B", "OldInterface"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test75() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23953"); String[] names= new String[]{"amount"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "B", "C"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test76() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23953"); String[] names= new String[]{"amount"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "B", "C"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test77() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("Waiting for new type constraints infrastructure"); String[] names= new String[]{"amount"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("A.Inner", new String[]{"A", "B"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test78() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23705"); String[] names= new String[]{"m"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[]{"QA;"}}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test79() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 23697"); String[] names= new String[]{"getFoo", "foo"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0], new String[]{"QA;"}}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test80() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 33223"); String[] names= new String[]{"f", "fz", "f1", "f1z", "f11", "f2"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0], new String[0], new String[0], new String[0], new String[0], new String[0]}; String[] fieldNames= {"I1", "I1z", "I2", "I2z", "I3", "I4"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test81() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 33878 extract interface: incorrect handling of arrays "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test82() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 33878 extract interface: incorrect handling of arrays "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test83() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 33878 extract interface: incorrect handling of arrays "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test84() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test85() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test86() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test87() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test88() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test89() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test90() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test91() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test92() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test93() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test94() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("bug 34931 Extract Interface does not update all references "); String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test95() throws Exception{ String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test96() throws Exception{ String[] names= {}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test97() throws Exception{ //printTestDisabledMessage("bug 40373"); String[] names= {"foo"}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= {}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void test98() throws Exception{ //test for 41464 String[] names= new String[]{"foo"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[0]}; validatePassingTest("Foo", new String[]{"Foo", "Bar"}, "IFoo", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test99() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{}; validatePassingTest("C", new String[]{"A", "B", "C"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test100() throws Exception{ // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=47785 validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, false); } public void test101() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{}; validatePassingTest("C", new String[]{"A", "B", "C"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test102() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{}; validatePassingTest("C", new String[]{"A", "B", "C"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test103() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{}; validatePassingTest("C", new String[]{"A", "B", "C"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test104() throws Exception { // bug 195817 String[] names= new String[]{ "m1" }; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{ new String[0] }; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "B"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test105() throws Exception{ // bug 195817 String[] names= new String[]{ "m2" }; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{ new String[0] }; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "B"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test106() throws Exception { // bug 195817 String[] names= new String[]{ "m1" }; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{ new String[0] }; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "B"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test107() throws Exception{ // bug 195817 String[] names= new String[]{ "m2" }; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{ new String[0] }; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A", "B"}, "I", true, names, signatures, null); } public void test108() throws Exception{ // bug 195817 fGenerateAnnotations= true; // should not generate because project is 1.5 standardPassingTest(); } public void test109() throws Exception{ // Generate @Override in 1.6 project fGenerateAnnotations= true; RefactoringTestSetup refactoringTestSetup= new RefactoringTestSetup(null); try { JavaProjectHelper.addRTJar16(getRoot().getJavaProject()); standardPassingTest(); refactoringTestSetup.tearDown(); } finally { refactoringTestSetup.setUp(); } } public void test110() throws Exception{ validatePassingTest("A", "I", true, true); } public void testPaperExample0() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"add", "addAll", "iterator"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[]{"QComparable;"}, new String[]{"QA;"}, new String[0]}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "Bag", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testPaperExample1() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{"add", "addAll", "iterator"}; String[][] signatures= new String[][]{new String[]{"QComparable;"}, new String[]{"QA;"}, new String[0]}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "Bag", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testPaperExampleSimplified0() throws Exception{ String[] names= new String[]{}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "Bag", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConditional1() throws Exception { String[] names= new String[]{}; String[][] signatures= {{}}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("X", new String[]{"A", "X"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConditional2() throws Exception { String[] names= new String[]{ "dot" }; String[][] signatures= {new String[]{"QX;"}}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("X", new String[]{"A", "X"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConstant80() throws Exception{ String[] names= null; String[][] signatures= null; String[] fieldNames= {"X"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConstant81() throws Exception{ String[] names= null; String[][] signatures= null; String[] fieldNames= {"X"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConstant82() throws Exception{ String[] names= null; String[][] signatures= null; String[] fieldNames= {"X"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConstant83() throws Exception{ String[] names= null; String[][] signatures= null; String[] fieldNames= {"X"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConstant84() throws Exception{ String[] names= null; String[][] signatures= null; String[] fieldNames= {"X"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConstant85() throws Exception{ String[] names= null; String[][] signatures= null; String[] fieldNames= {"X"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConstant86() throws Exception{ String[] names= null; String[][] signatures= null; String[] fieldNames= {"X", "Y"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConstant87() throws Exception{ String[] names= null; String[][] signatures= null; String[] fieldNames= {"X", "Y"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testConstant88() throws Exception{ String[] names= null; String[][] signatures= null; String[] fieldNames= {"X", "Y"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testInterface0() throws Exception{ String[] names= {"m"}; String[][] signatures= {new String[0]}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testInterface1() throws Exception{ String[] names= {"m"}; String[][] signatures= {new String[0]}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testInterface2() throws Exception{ String[] names= {"m"}; String[][] signatures= {new String[0]}; String[] fieldNames= {"i", "j"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, names, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testInterface3() throws Exception{ String[] methodNames= {"m", "m1", "m2", "m4", "m5"}; String[][] signatures= {new String[0], new String[0], new String[0], new String[0], new String[0]}; String[] fieldNames= {"I", "I1", "I2", "I4", "I5"}; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, methodNames, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testInterface4() throws Exception{ // printTestDisabledMessage("cannot yet update references (in methods) to itself if it's an interface"); String[] methodNames= {"a"}; String[][] signatures= {{"QA;", "QA;"}}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, methodNames, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testInterface5() throws Exception{ String[] methodNames= {"a"}; String[][] signatures= {new String[0]}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, methodNames, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testInterface6() throws Exception{ String[] methodNames= {"foo0", "foo1", "foo2", "foo3"}; String[][] signatures= {new String[0], new String[0], new String[0], new String[0]}; String[] fieldNames= null; validatePassingTest("A", new String[]{"A"}, "I", true, methodNames, signatures, fieldNames); } public void testFail1() throws Exception{ validateFailingTest("A", "I", true, RefactoringStatus.FATAL); } }